Zunheboto Town in Zunheboto Sadar tehsil / taluka / mandal / sub-district in Zunheboto district in Nagaland state in India.
Zunheboto Population | Sex Ratio | Connectivity & Distances | Weather | Local Government |
Per data of 2011 Zunheboto Town is estimated to have approx 3974 Households and Town of Zunheboto population is 22633.
Yr 2011 | Total Population | Male Population | Female Population |
Total | 22633 | 11715 | 10918 |
SC | |||
ST | 20378 | 9993 | 10385 |
India Census Year | Census Population Count |
2011 | 22633 |
2001 | 23081 |
1991 | 11473 |
1981 | 7678 |
Town of Zunheboto Sex Ratio of female sex to male sex was
In 2011 - 932 females / 1000 males
In 2001 - 829 females / 1000 males
In 1991 - 844 females / 1000 males
Zunheboto receives average 2200 mm annual rainfall. Temperature ranges between maximum temperature of 20.44 celsius to minimum temperature of 12.49 celsius.
Zunheboto Town local governance / civic administration through Zunheboto Town Committee.
Major / primary commodity produced / manufactured in Zunheboto town are bamboo basket, shawl, wooden furnitures.