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Poothakkulam in Kerala, India. Population, Weather, Distance & Town info

Poothakkulam Town in Kollam tehsil / taluka / mandal / sub-district in Kollam district in Kerala state in India.

Poothakkulam Population  |  Sex Ratio  |  Connectivity & Distances  |  Weather  |  Area  | 

Poothakkulam Population

Per data of 2011 Poothakkulam Town is estimated to have approx 7560 Households and Town of Poothakkulam population is 29447. With popolution of Poothakkulam Town spread across area of 16.27 Square Km, Density of Population is 1809.9 per Sq Km.

Yr 2011Total PopulationMale PopulationFemale Population

Poothakkulam Population History

India Census YearCensus Population Count

Poothakkulam Sex Ratio of Females to Males

Town of Poothakkulam Sex Ratio of female sex to male sex was
In 2011 - 1218 females / 1000 males

Poothakkulam Connectivity & Distances from Poothakkulam Town

Poothakkulam Weather / Climate / RainFall / Temperature

Poothakkulam receives average 2790 mm annual rainfall. Temperature ranges between maximum temperature of 35 celsius to minimum temperature of 30 celsius.

Area of Poothakkulam Town in Sq Km (Square Kilometers)

Area of Poothakkulam Town spans across approximate area of 16.27 Square Kilometer (Sq Km).

Economy : Major Commodity Production / Manufacturing

Major / primary commodity produced / manufactured in Poothakkulam town is coir.

Cities / Towns
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