Kalyan-Dombivli City in Kalyan tehsil / taluka / mandal / sub-district in Thane district in Maharashtra state in India.
Kalyan-Dombivli Population | Sex Ratio | Connectivity & Distances | Weather | Local Government | Area | Colleges |
Per data of 2011 Kalyan-Dombivli City is estimated to have approx 302735 Households and City of Kalyan-Dombivli population is 1247327. With popolution of Kalyan-Dombivli City spread across area of 57.13 Square Km, Density of Population is 21833.13 per Sq Km.
Yr 2011 | Total Population | Male Population | Female Population |
Total | 1247327 | 649626 | 597701 |
SC | 121897 | 62143 | 59754 |
ST | 36864 | 19044 | 17820 |
India Census Year | Census Population Count |
2011 | 1247327 |
2001 | 1193512 |
1991 | 1014557 |
1981 | 343167 |
1971 | 178404 |
1961 | 104981 |
1951 | 67006 |
1941 | 31356 |
1931 | 26291 |
1921 | 17829 |
1911 | 12600 |
1901 | 10749 |
City of Kalyan-Dombivli Sex Ratio of female sex to male sex was
In 2011 - 920 females / 1000 males
In 2001 - 884 females / 1000 males
In 1991 - 876 females / 1000 males
Kalyan-Dombivli receives average 1851.4 mm annual rainfall. Temperature ranges between maximum temperature of 37.4 celsius to minimum temperature of 12.3 celsius.
Kalyan-Dombivli City local governance / civic administration through Kalyan-Dombivli Municipal Corporation.
Area of Kalyan-Dombivli City spans across approximate area of 57.13 Square Kilometer (Sq Km).
List of Colleges in Kalyan-Dombivli, College Courses, Course Fees Structure, Contact Number, Address, Email
Colleges in Kalyan-Dombivli College List
Major / primary commodity produced / manufactured in Kalyan-Dombivli city are cloth, utensils, colour, medicine, chemical.