Hubli-Dharwad City in Dharwad district in Karnataka state in India.
Hubli-Dharwad Population | Sex Ratio | Connectivity & Distances | Weather | Local Government | Area | Colleges |
Per data of 2011 Hubli-Dharwad City is estimated to have approx 200418 Households and City of Hubli-Dharwad population is 943788. With popolution of Hubli-Dharwad City spread across area of 213.42 Square Km, Density of Population is 4422.21 per Sq Km.
Yr 2011 | Total Population | Male Population | Female Population |
Total | 943788 | 474518 | 469270 |
SC | 92744 | 45880 | 46864 |
ST | 34235 | 17003 | 17232 |
India Census Year | Census Population Count |
2011 | 943788 |
City of Hubli-Dharwad Sex Ratio of female sex to male sex was
In 2011 - 989 females / 1000 males
Hubli-Dharwad receives average 818 mm annual rainfall. Temperature ranges between maximum temperature of 38 celsius to minimum temperature of 16 celsius.
Hubli-Dharwad City local governance / civic administration through Hubli-Dharwad Municipal Corporation.
Area of Hubli-Dharwad City spans across approximate area of 213.42 Square Kilometer (Sq Km).
List of Colleges in Hubli-Dharwad, College Courses, Course Fees Structure, Contact Number, Address, Email
Colleges in Hubli-Dharwad College List
Major / primary commodity produced / manufactured in Hubli-Dharwad city are aluminium utensils, dry ginger, textile machinery.