Gadag-Betigeri Town in Gadag tehsil / taluka / mandal / sub-district in Gadag district in Karnataka state in India.
Gadag-Betigeri Population | Sex Ratio | Connectivity & Distances | Weather | Local Government | Area |
Per data of 2011 Gadag-Betigeri Town is estimated to have approx 37072 Households and Town of Gadag-Betigeri population is 172612. With popolution of Gadag-Betigeri Town spread across area of 54.57 Square Km, Density of Population is 3163.13 per Sq Km.
Yr 2011 | Total Population | Male Population | Female Population |
Total | 172612 | 85920 | 86692 |
SC | 18240 | 8959 | 9281 |
ST | 5082 | 2511 | 2571 |
India Census Year | Census Population Count |
2011 | 172612 |
2001 | 154982 |
1991 | 134051 |
1981 | 117368 |
1971 | 95426 |
1961 | 76614 |
1951 | 65509 |
1941 | 56283 |
1931 | 45852 |
1921 | 41040 |
1911 | 29902 |
1901 | 30652 |
Town of Gadag-Betigeri Sex Ratio of female sex to male sex was
In 2011 - 1009 females / 1000 males
In 2001 - 969 females / 1000 males
In 1991 - 949 females / 1000 males
Gadag-Betigeri receives average 788.1 mm annual rainfall. Temperature ranges between maximum temperature of 42 celsius to minimum temperature of 18 celsius.
Gadag-Betigeri Town local governance / civic administration through Gadag-Betigeri City Municipal Council.
Area of Gadag-Betigeri Town spans across approximate area of 54.57 Square Kilometer (Sq Km).
Major / primary commodity produced / manufactured in Gadag-Betigeri town are bakery products, handloom sarees, cotton .