Basar Town in Basar tehsil / taluka / mandal / sub-district in West Siang district in Arunachal Pradesh state in India.
Basar Population | Sex Ratio | Connectivity & Distances | Weather | Local Government | Colleges |
Per data of 2011 Basar Town is estimated to have approx 1064 Households and Town of Basar population is 4284.
Yr 2011 | Total Population | Male Population | Female Population |
Total | 4284 | 2279 | 2005 |
SC | 0 | 0 | 0 |
ST | 2572 | 1252 | 1320 |
India Census Year | Census Population Count |
2011 | 4284 |
2001 | 4079 |
Town of Basar Sex Ratio of female sex to male sex was
In 2011 - 879 females / 1000 males
In 2001 - 757 females / 1000 males
Basar receives average 2260 mm annual rainfall. Temperature ranges between maximum temperature of 25 celsius to minimum temperature of 14 celsius.
Basar Town local governance / civic administration through Basar Notified Town.
List of Colleges in Basar, College Courses, Course Fees Structure, Contact Number, Address, Email
Colleges in Basar College List
Major / primary commodity produced / manufactured in Basar town are handloom cloth, cotton textile.