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Medak Directory List

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Hyderabad in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance, Colleges & City info

Hyderabad City in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 32996 Households & City population of 6809970. Local administration through Hyderabad Municipal Corporation. .. more details

Sangareddy in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance, Colleges & Town info

Sangareddy Town in Sangareddy tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 14947 Households & Town population of 72344. Local administration through Sangareddy Municipality. .. more details

Zahirabad in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance & Town info

Zahirabad Town in Zahirabad tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 13824 Households & Town population of 71166. Local administration through Zahirabad Municipality. .. more details

Siddipet in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance, Colleges & Town info

Siddipet Town in Siddipet tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 14879 Households & Town population of 66737. Local administration through Siddipet Municipality. .. more details

Sadasivpet in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance, Colleges & Town info

Sadasivpet Town in Sadasivpet tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 10452 Households & Town population of 47920. Local administration through Sadasivpet Municipality. .. more details

Medak in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance, Colleges & Town info

Medak Town in Medak tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 9571 Households & Town population of 46880. Local administration through Medak Municipality. .. more details

Siddipet in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance & Town info

Siddipet Town in Siddipet tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 9617 Households & Town population of 40707. .. more details

Ameenapur in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance & Town info

Ameenapur Town in Patancheru tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 9120 Households & Town population of 36452. .. more details

Bollaram in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance & Town info

Bollaram Town in Jinnaram tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 9314 Households & Town population of 34667. .. more details

Gajwel in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance, Colleges & Town info

Gajwel Town in Gajwel tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 5547 Households & Town population of 24961. .. more details

Jogipet in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance, Colleges & Town info

Jogipet Town in Andole tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 3762 Households & Town population of 18494. .. more details

Narayankhed in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance, Colleges & Town info

Narayankhed Town in Narayankhed tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 3014 Households & Town population of 15610. .. more details

Ramachandrapuram (Bhel) Township in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance & Town info

Ramachandrapuram (Bhel) Township Town in Ramachandrapuram tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 3919 Households & Town population of 15381. .. more details

Eddumailaram in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance & Town info

Eddumailaram Town in Sangareddy tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 2801 Households & Town population of 11759. .. more details

Pothreddipalle in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance & Town info

Pothreddipalle Town in Sangareddy tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 2637 Households & Town population of 11514. .. more details

Allipur in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance & Town info

Allipur Town in Zahirabad tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 2292 Households & Town population of 11276. .. more details

Bhanur in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance & Town info

Bhanur Town in Patancheru tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 2267 Households & Town population of 9203. .. more details

Muthangi in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance & Town info

Muthangi Town in Patancheru tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 2211 Households & Town population of 8777. .. more details

Isnapur in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance & Town info

Isnapur Town in Patancheru tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 2082 Households & Town population of 8276. .. more details

Annaram in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance & Town info

Annaram Town in Jinnaram tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 1613 Households & Town population of 6840. .. more details

Narsapur in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance, Colleges & Town info

Narsapur Town in Siddipet tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 1569 Households & Town population of 6647. .. more details

Bonthapalle in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance & Town info

Bonthapalle Town in Jinnaram tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 1659 Households & Town population of 6608. .. more details

Shankarampet (A) in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance & Town info

Shankarampet (A) Town in Shankarampet (A) tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 1393 Households & Town population of 6227. .. more details

Chegunta in Telangana, India. Population, Weather, Distance, Colleges & Town info

Chegunta Town in Chegunta tehsil / sub-district in Medak district in Telangana state in India having approx 1244 Households & Town population of 5747. .. more details

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Ramachandrapuram (Medak)
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