Bhanjanagar Town in Bhanjanagar tehsil / sub-district in Ganjam district in Odisha state in India having approx 4546 Households & Town population of 20482. Local administration through Bhanjanagar Notified Area Committee / Notified Area Council. .. more details
Bellaguntha Town in Bhanjanagar tehsil / sub-district in Ganjam district in Odisha state in India having approx 2317 Households & Town population of 11297. Local administration through Bellaguntha Notified Area Committee / Notified Area Council. .. more details
Lalsingi Town in Bhanjanagar tehsil / sub-district in Ganjam district in Odisha state in India having approx 1627 Households & Town population of 7078. .. more details
Badakodanda Town in Bhanjanagar tehsil / sub-district in Ganjam district in Odisha state in India having approx 1122 Households & Town population of 5137. .. more details