Bargarh Town in Bargarh tehsil / sub-district in Bargarh district in Odisha state in India having approx 18131 Households & Town population of 80625. Local administration through Bargarh Municipality. .. more details
Barapali Town in Barapali tehsil / sub-district in Bargarh district in Odisha state in India having approx 4776 Households & Town population of 20850. Local administration through Barapali Notified Area Committee / Notified Area Council. .. more details
Padmapur Town in Padmapur tehsil / sub-district in Bargarh district in Odisha state in India having approx 3830 Households & Town population of 17625. Local administration through Padmapur Notified Area Committee / Notified Area Council. .. more details
Sohela Town in Sohela tehsil / sub-district in Bargarh district in Odisha state in India having approx 1624 Households & Town population of 6917. .. more details
Bijepur Town in Bijepur tehsil / sub-district in Bargarh district in Odisha state in India having approx 1743 Households & Town population of 6922. .. more details
Khaliapali Town in Bargarh tehsil / sub-district in Bargarh district in Odisha state in India having approx 1658 Households & Town population of 6865. .. more details
Bardol Town in Bargarh tehsil / sub-district in Bargarh district in Odisha state in India having approx 1327 Households & Town population of 5441. .. more details
Bhatli Town in Bhatli tehsil / sub-district in Bargarh district in Odisha state in India having approx 1089 Households & Town population of 4865. .. more details